Buying A Portable Rebar Cutter

A portable rebar cutter offers several advantages in the construction industry. It makes cutting standard steel reinforcement bars easy and efficient. Also, it is extremely accurate. While there are several advantages of investing in this machine, not all the portable rebar cutters are the same. There are quite a few differences in terms of reliability, power source, efficiency and overall design among other things. Therefore, you need to pay attention to the following parameters if you want to get the best value for your money when buying this machine. Here is what you need to know about buying a portable rebar cutter.

portable rebar cutter
Portable Rebar Cutter for Sale

One of the first things you need to decide on is the type of cutter you want to buy. The modern heavy duty cutters are capable of efficiently, safely and clearly cutting reinforcement bars up to a certain diameter. These modern day tools use hydraulic pressure to cut down the reinforcement bars and do not employ any abrasive blades or cutting torches to cut the steel reinforcement bars. Consequently, no flames or sparks are produced during the cutting of the reinforcement bar. The most important specification is the maximum thickness for which the rebar cutter is rated.

If you are investing in a portable machine for cutting steel reinforcement bars, the last thing you need to worry about is its portability. Therefore, pay special attention to the design. The machine should be easy to use and easy to carry around. It should be compact enough for you to lug it around from one construction site to other. There should be a well-placed carrying handle make it easy for you to carry it around.

rebar cutter for sale
Portable Rebar Cutter for Sale

This steel reinforcement cutting machine employs a lot of pressure which means there are quite a few moving components in this machine. Moving components mean a lot of wear and tear. Consequently, you will have to replace some components frequently in order to keep the machine running at optimum efficiency. Therefore, availability of affordable spare parts is essential. It is often the most overlooked aspect when buying these machines.

You might be able to buy a model at a cheap than average price of good quality options but eventually, you will have to pay a far higher price as those cheap machines typically use proprietary components for which you can’t find aftermarket alternatives. You then have to depend on the manufacturer who often sells these components at a far higher price.

Search specifically for the reputation of the company when buying this machine. You want to buy it from a company that is an established name in the industry. There are several such manufacturers with excellent reputation in the industry for being consistent when it comes to quality of their products. It is recommended to buy from one such manufacturers instead of buying from a company without a name in the market.

When it comes to choosing the manufacturer or supplier, it is important that you check out both local as well as foreign suppliers. It will give you access to a wide range of selection in terms of specifications, quality of products as well as prices. If you are planning to buy from an overseas supplier, make sure they have a local service office for repairs and maintenance.

Overall, a portable rebar cutting machine offers a number of advantages in the construction industry but you need to pay attention to the above-mentioned parameters to get the best value for your money. Don’t buy a portable rebar cutter only because it’s cheap. Instead, your focus should be on reliability, long-term service life as well as easy availability of affordable spare parts among other things.