The Lifting Capacity for a Gantry Crane

As you are choosing between the many different types of gantry cranes (gruas portico), you may want to consider the lifting capacity before any other factor. The main purpose of this type of crane, or any crane in general, is to lift objects that cannot be lifted through manual labor. Sometimes the objects that you are lifting can weigh several tons. These have the capacity of lifting well over 100 tons in many cases. Some of these are designed for indoor use only, whereas others can be used outside, and how much it can lift is often a primary point of focus. Here is a quick overview of the lifting capacity for any type of gantry crane that you may want to invest in.

How Much Do They Lift On Average?

The median amount of weight that these can lift is right around 20 tons. There are a multitude of those that lift up to 10 tons, many of which are mobile. From there, there are a select group that can lift 320 tons or more. Some of the largest in the world can lift several hundred tons without any problem. Companies that are taking containers off of ships will need ones that can function outside. They may be loading the containers onto trucks, which will also require a specific type of gantry crane that will allow them to quickly and easily maneuver this type of material.

Where To Obtain Some Of The Best Gantry Cranes

These devices are made all over the world. You might be able to find several that are very appealing. In fact, you may have a distribution site near your city that is maintained by a company that may not even be in your country. Likewise, you could order directly from the manufacturer and save quite a bit of money on your purchase. Before doing so, it’s always a good idea to consider the history of each company, the gantry cranes that they produce, and then get estimates from each one that you find to be legitimate.

Are These Difficult To Construct Once They Arrive?

Most of these are fairly easy to construct. As long as you have a welding team available, and an individual that can read the schematics (esquemas) provided, you may be able to erect everything within the week. This is true for indoor and outdoor gantry cranes that can be exceptionally large for heavy lifting. At the very least, you can outsource this to a company that has built many of these before. Your primary focus should always be to find a gantry crane that can lift what you are moving on a daily basis without straining the integrity of the crane itself.

Finding gantry cranes that have a proper lifting capacity should take no more than a few hours of your time. At some point, you will have several estimates, some of which will be extremely low, yet will be representative of a superior product. There are several types of gantry cranes, and depending upon its usage, and where it will be placed, you can make your choice. There are businesses worldwide that produce them, and as construction projects continue to increase in numbers, you will soon find it easier than ever before to get the exact gantry crane that you need.