Waste Tyre Recycling Plant – Processing Capacity You Need to Take Into Account

Recycling is one of the main concerns of our modern society. We have to protect our planet, so we seek ways to spare natural resources by reusing and recycling various items. Waste tyre is one of these things. You can start a successful business by starting a tyre pyrolysis plant that converts waste tyre to oil. This can be a very lucrative idea, provided that you manage to find the right equipment and a few good clients.

Waste Tyre Recycling Equipment for Sale
Waste Tyre Recycling Equipment for Sale

If you need to find waste tyre recycling plant suppliers, you can safely use your favourite search engine. You’ll find lots of ads of distributors and manufacturers of such equipment, so you’ll be able to ask for multiple quotes before making your final decision.

You should also take into consideration global business and trade directories. Thanks to the internet, buying pyrolysis plant from another country is as easy as placing an order and making a payment.

Comparing Different Suppliers

In order to make the most of your research, you need to be very specific. Consider all features and details that are important to you, and communicate them to all suppliers you contact. You can use all kinds of information, such as Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter. Like this, you’ll avoid comparing apples to oranges. Keep in mind that you’ll need to know the surface area of the land you want to install your plant on. Always include this detail in your briefing document, as it is something you can’t compromise on unless you have a huge plot of land available to install your plant on.

Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Machine to South Africa
Waste Tyre Pyrolysis Machine to South Africa

The processing capacity is another important characteristic you need to take into account when searching for such recycling plants. The oil yield, the security features, the cooling system and the capacity are also important. Moreover, don’t forget to ask the pyrolysis plant manufacturer on your shortlist about the certifications of their equipment. You need to make sure you purchase a plant that’s compliant to your local laws and regulations. These rules may differ from one country to another, so you have to pay close attention to such details, particularly when you decide to purchase the equipment from abroad. In terms of safety devices, you may want to look for temperature and pressure alarms, auto pressure releasing systems, and extra gas recycling systems. The best plants use advanced explosion-proof technologies.

Here is a video made by Beston Machinery, a top tire recycling machine manufacturer, showing the entire working process of the continuous waste tyre pyrolysis plant. It will be helpful. Here is a waste tyre recycling plant video for you.

Being Eco-friendly

Pollution is another huge concern, so aim to find a tyre to oil plant that features advanced dust removal systems and reliable filters. Always check with the local authorities what are the rules in regard to admissible pollution levels. This is how you can ensure you’re going to purchase the right equipment, a recycling plant that complies to all mandatory requirements enforced by your local authorities.

Last but not least, you should always compare multiple quotes. There are various recycling machines for sale.  This would help you avoid overpaying for your equipment. However, you should always start by identifying several reliable suppliers. The price comparison should be the last stage of your research process, as this is how you can maximize your chances to close the deal with a trustworthy supplier and to acquire a piece of safe and effective tyre to oil plant.